Monday, June 24, 2013

The Ice Age Tiger

Where did the sabre tooth cat live?  
There were many different types Sabre toothed cats that lived at different time periods but the most popular one Smilodon lived in North America until the continent of South America colided with North America and they migrated across the border and settled down in South America also. 
What did this animal eat?
Sabre-toothed tigers eat just what you would think they would eat, meat. They are carnivores so they do tend to eat larger prey because they are bigger animals.
What features of the sabre tooth tiger were unique?
The most noticeable features of the sabre-toothed cat were its unusually long canine teeth, unheard of in today's feline populous, and its large size and compact build. It probably hunted large game, using its strength to first bring the prey down, and then stab it swiftly with its canines.
Where have this animal’s remains been found?
 Found off British It was found online.
What present-day animal does the sabre tooth tiger resemble?

The Sabre Tooth Tiger was about a foot shorter than the modern day lion however, it weighed twice as much.

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