Sunday, January 4, 2015

Unit 3 summarization

Lesson 1: Bright Future

"I will bless you with a future filled with hope-a future of success, not suffering' - Jeremiah 29:11

Pessimistic thoughts: These are the thoughts of the people who always think negative thoughts about things they do or the things they have

Optimistic thoughts: These are the thoughts of the people who think the good in the things they do or the things they have because they believe that God is with them

My Pessimistic thoughts: 
1. I am really fat because I eat a lot,
2. I fail at tests because i don't study
3. I get scolded a lot because I am bad tempered                                                                                             
My Optimistic thoughts: 
1. I will eat less and exercise a lot
2. I will study harder so I can get good grades
3. I will try to cool down if someone is making me angry

To have my bright future I always need to think optimistic.


Lesson 2: Roadblocks

"Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us."- Hebrews 12:1

We always need to be cautious of the roadblocks that are in your way. Roadblocks are problems or things that get in your way to stop you from having a good life. Some of your roadblocks might be money, people, abilities, circumstances and your attitudes. But to jump over these roadblocks, just like the people who do hurdle jumping, you need to have God with you. God will help you jump over the roadblock in your way and another roadblock will be in your way. But while you have God with you, you can jump over the roadblocks and have a happier life.

My roadblocks:
One of my roadblocks are gadgets. What I am trying to achieve is good grades so I can have a good job. I consider these as roadblocks because I always put my hands and eyes on my gadgets before I study. What I need to do to overcome my roadblock is to not use them regularly but just use them when I need them and when I have free time.

Another one of my roadblocks is self control. What I am trying to achieve is a healthy body. This is a roadblock because I cannot control myself to eat more and more and more food. What I need to do to have a healthy body is to exercise regularly and to eat less food.

Another one of my roadblocks are distractions like toys, playmates and computer games. What I want to achieve are good grades. This is one of my roadblocks because it keeps me from being focused on what I'm doing. For example, if I am doing something on my computer, my computer games keep tempting me to get out of what I am doing for my studies and play them all day. What I need to do to help me focus is to think of what will happen if I played with my playmates, played my computer games and played with my toys. Will the result be good or will it be bad?

Lesson 3: Cause and Effect

"And justice will produce lasting peace and security" - Isaiah 32:17


Cause: I prepared for my portfolio review: Controllable Cause
Effect: I did good in my portfolio review and my teacher complimented me!

Cause: My grandfather smoked and drank too much: Uncontrollable Cause
Effect: He died just after my birthday

Cause: I ate to much food and sweets; Controllable Cause
Effect: I got fatter and fatter the more I eat food and sweets.

Cause: I wanted to buy everything: Controllable Cause
Effect: I spent all of my money on things that I don't need

Cause: My grandmother didn't pay the bill of our electricity; Controllable Cause
Effect: We experienced a blackout for a couple of days

Cause: I played my phone until 11:00 P.M: Controllable Cause
Effect: I woke up late the next day and I got lesser time to study

Cause: I studied hard for my tests: Controllable Cause
Effect: I got good graded and I moved to grade 5

What I learned:
I learned that you should always be careful of what you do because what you are doing might have a bad effect.
Lesson 4: Choose wisely

'If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking' - James 1:5

What I chose: I chose to not study for my exams because I said that I already knew it
What happened: I forgot the answers and I got low grades

What I chose: I chose to not follow my mom around the supermarket
What happened: I got lost and I needed to explore the whole supermarket just to find her

What I chose: I chose to sleep early for my violin class
What happened: I woke up early and got there just in time for my class

What I chose: I chose to practice hard for my swimming competition
What happened: I won medals and I got a prize

What I chose: I chose to bully my classmate and not make friends with her
What happened: My class adviser found out, told my mom and my mom scolded me

I learned that you should always be careful of what you choose because the choices you make might be bad for you or the other people around you.
Lesson 5: Be careful of detours

"Please help me learn the right thing, and I will be honest and fair in my own kingdom" - Psalm: 101:2

Detours are ways or paths that might distract you on what you are doing.

What I was doing: Studying my lessons
Detour: I saw my I-pad and started playing with it
Consequence: I got bad grades because I didn't study for the pop quiz

What I was doing: I was walking with my mom in the supermarket
Detour: I saw a bunch of candies and let go of my mom's hand
Consequence: I got lost and needed to find her

What I was doing: My mom told me to sleep early for my violin class
Detour: I saw my laptop and started playing with it until 11:00
Consequence: I woke up late for my violin class and we had to hurry

What I was doing: I was playing with my cousins
Detour: I wanted to trip one of my cousins because I thought it was going to be funny
Consequence: She cried, she told my mom and my mom scolded me

What I was doing: I was practicing our dance for the around the world dances
Detour: I decided to stop practicing because I saw my friends playing
Consequence: I forgot some of the steps

I learned that you should always follow the right path so that you don't get yourselves in trouble.
Lesson 6: Prepared

"Anyone who hears these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock" - Matthew 7:24

Problem: I am being tempted
Explanation: I am being tempted when the devil is asking me to disobey my parents, hurt my playmates and when he tempts me to play with my I-pad while studying.
Scripture: (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Problem: I need courage
Explanation: I need courage whenever the evil doesn't want me to do something very good
Scripture: (Philippians 4:13)

Problem: When I have no faith in God
Explanation: I have no faith in God whenever the devil wants me to follow him
Scripture: (Psalm 121:7-8)

Problem: When I am afraid
Explanation: I am afraid when the devil always scares me so that I may follow him
Scripture: (Psalm 27:1)

Problem: When I do the wrong things
Explanation: I do wrong things because the devil is always making me obey him instead of God
Scripture: (Proverbs 3:11-12)

I learned that you should always follow God and obey him so that you don't get hurt by the devil
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson 7: Excited for Jesus' return

"But as he went up, they kept looking up into the sky. Suddenly two men dressed in white clothes were standing beside them. They said: 'Why are you men from Galilee standing here and looking up into the sky? Jesus has been taken to heaven, but he will come back, in the same way that you have seen him go'" - Acts 1:10-11

The best thing about everyone's future is the coming of Christ. But, you also need to prepare for the coming of Christ.

* There will be wars

* There will be people who claim they are Christ

* There will be famine

* There will be earthquakes and storms

* There will be persecutions

* And believers will be hated

So if Jesus is coming, why are there a lot of horrible stuff happening?

* Jesus will come so that he can fix everything

* He will come because he will defeat the devil once and for all

* Jesus will come to rescue us

* He will come so that we can give him all the power that he deserves

* Jesus will come because he wants us to be with him forever

I learned that Jesus will always be with you even though you can't see or touch him