Sunday, December 14, 2014

God's awesome plan for me

What do you think is God's awesome plan for you? I think that God's awesome plan for me is that I will be a good girl that studies hard, loves her country, her family and loves God the way she loves everyone. But how do I achieve my awesome future? I want to become a popular fashion designer and go to Paris. I want to make clothes for everyone to wear and to glorify God by making his people happy using the talents he has given me. 

Everyone has a different awesome plan because God created us unique and different from each other. We all have our flaws and imperfections, but that's what makes us extraordinary.

Of course everyone has an awesome plan from God. But sometimes, the devil ruins this and we commit mistakes. We always need to be careful about the devil's tricks and traps. To avoid these we need to pray so that God will save us from any temptations. 

But there is always a right way on how to pray. Go to a quiet room, close the door and pray. Make sure that you pray from your heart and not just saying words. It is okay if its not to long, as long as it comes from your heart.

After you prayed, what will happen? God gives you graces. If you want to have the amazing future God has planned for you, you need to have Jesus. If you have Jesus, God can take away your sins and put his plan for you in exchange. 

Now that you have prayed and you have Jesus, you can have your awesome future. But if you love only Jesus and God and not the people around you, you can't have your awesome future. Because Jesus said to his disciples: Love others just as you love me. 

Now that you have your awesome future with you, you need to share your blessings to other people so that you can go to heaven and sit next to the Lord our God.