Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Can I have a dog, please?"

"Can I have a dog, please?" This is the same question I ask you over and over again. I really want a dog. Why you ask? I want someone to play with me everyday. I want a dog that is a small breed so that it will not take up too much space in our house. 
This is the kind of dog I would want to have a, Bichon frise 

When you buy me a dog I promise I will keep a close watch on it. I want a dog so that there is someone who will watch me at night from strangers and burglars coming in our house. People with dogs are always happy when they are getting them and they take great care of them too. I have been watching dog performers ever since. And when watching them I always think of what would happen if I bought a dog. When you buy me a dog I can teach her tricks to impress people. I promise that I will maintain a schedule on walking her up and down our street. I promise I will feed her 3 times a day after we eat. I will keep watching videos about how I can keep my dog alive, healthy and well fit until she is old.

I will take very good care of her and I will always play with her whenever I have free time. One last reason on why I want a dog is because I want to get thinner. When I walk her, sometimes we run and while running I can loose weight on it. So, every time I walk her, I can lose weight. Sometimes I see dogs that are big and small, some have long hair and some have short hair. But no matter how big or how small my dog is, I will always love her no matter what size it is.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PAGASA headquarters field trip

My PAGASA field trip was a success. i went to the PAGASA headquarters with my dad and we first watched a short introduction video about the storms, hurricanes, floods, and the rain that has happened the past years. One thing I learned is that, if  there is lightning and you do not have a safe place to go besides your car, go in your car and avoid the trees that are around you, you will not be harmed by the lightning when you are inside your car. Why wouldn't you be harmed? Because the lightning is attracted to metal and when the lightning hits your car, the lightning will go around your car and going straight to the ground. But do not touch anything metal inside your car. After that, we went to a planetarium and saw the different constellations made by the stars. Some constellations are Sagittarius, lei, big ladle, small ladle and many more. After the stars we saw the planets in the planetarium from a projector. We saw all the planets and the names they have come from. When that was done, we went to a weather talk and talked about the different tools on how you can tell when a storm, flood and any other storms are coming. One thing I learned is how would you know when a storm is coming? One tool you could use is a wind gauge. The wind blows and it spins sending data to a computer if a storm is coming or not. If the wind is soft, it means that there is no storm. But if the wind is strong, that will signal the people there is a storm coming. And they send it to weather forecasters to tell the people that there is a storm. Finally, the tour guide asked us if we still want to go to the library. I said no because my feet hurts after all that walking. So, we just walked back to our car, had our merienda and went back home. It was a really fun day for me. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to make a barbie doll bed

Barbie dolls are a great toy for litle girls. And the stuff that the dolls needs are really expensive. So since they are expensive, I am going to show you how to make a doll thing, her bed. 

You're going to need, cardboard, a glue gun, scissors, fabric, pillow fluff (the fluff that makes your pillow soft), a barbie doll, a grown up, a pencil and this is just optional decorative stickers.

First, measure the barbie doll on a piece of cardboard, it should be a little bit wider than the doll. Then use a pencil to trace out a long rectangle wider than your doll. Cut it out and then trace it again 2 more times. Then cut those out. After that glue them together using your hot glue gun. When you are done with that, use another peice of card board and trace out a head board, cut it out, trace it one more time and cut it out. Take your lone rectangle and glue a piece of fabric that extends out to the side, front and back so you can glue it to the bottom. Glue the sides and the back but leave the front open so you can stuff it with pillow fluff. Glue it closed after you have stuffed it with the fluff. Use another big piece of cardboard and cut it into squares that is a little smaller than the bed. These will be the feet. After gluing them together and on the bed, glue the headboard and the body together. Decorate the headboard with the decoartive stickers. For the pillows, take some fabric and glue them together and stuff it with pillow fluff and use a peice of fabric for the blanket. Finally, place your doll on the bed and let her doze of a warm a and cozy night.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to brush your teeth

Here's how to brush your teeth. First take your toothbrush out and run the brush under cool water. Next spread toothpaste on the brush. Make sure you squeeze the tube from the bottom. After, gently brush your teeth for three minutes. Start with your front teeth and make your way to the back. Then spit the toothpaste into the sink and take a sip of water to rinse out your mouth. Finally rinse of the brush and put it away.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

How to play hopscotch

Hopscotch is a fun activity for kids to play.  It started many years ago when soldiers played hopscotch to test their strength. But today it is played for fun. I will teach you how to play it.

You will need a piece of chalk, a flat stone or a beanbag, and players to play with. 

1. Start of with a hopscotch design, it must have the numbers 1-10 on it, get creative. One design is like the one below.

Play Hopscotch Step 1.jpg
2. Next, decide who will go 1st or 2nd. You can have as many players as you want. The 1st person will have a small stone or a beanbag in his or her hand, he or she will throw it on one square.He or she must make sure that it does not go out of the line or he/she will lose a turn. 

Play Hopscotch Step 2.jpg
3. After that, hop on the squares as shown. You must not fall out of the square or you will lose a turn.
Play Hopscotch Step 3.jpg
4. When you are hopping you must hop on the number of boxes with one foot or two feet. When you get to number 10, go back hopping and picking up the stone that you just threw. 
Play Hopscotch Step 4.jpg
5. When the first person is done, give the stone to the next person. Then repeat steps  3, 4 and five until everybody is done.

Play Hopscotch Step 5.jpg

 6. get creative with your design. You may have some ideas from the hopscotch designs below.
Play Hopscotch Step 6.jpgPlay Hopscotch Step 7.jpg

With just 6 easy steps you can play whatever kind of hopscotch. Challenge your friends and time them. The shortest time wins. Hopscotch has been around for a very long time now. Whether you are playing alone or playing with friends, or simply need a thing to do hopscotch is there for you.

Why we shouldn't be afraid?

We shouldn't be afraid because Isaiah 41:10 says "Do not be afraid, I am with you. I am your God, let nothing terrify you, I will make you strong and help you. I will protect and save you." it said that God is with you always. It also says that he will make you strong, he will help you, he will protect you and he will save you. 

How can we stop being afraid?
We can stop being afraid by trusting God that he will strengthen us and help us.

What would happen if we don't give our fears to God?
Romans 8:15-"For the Spirit that God has given you does no make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God Father my Father."

How can we trust God?
1 John 4:18- "There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all fear. So then love has not been made perfect in anyone who is afraid, because fear has to do with punishment."

What if we do learn to trust God, what would happen? 
If we trust him, we don't need to fear the world.