Thursday, August 29, 2013

Early egypt

This is one of the temple in Egypt.

I think the most fascinating thing about Egypt is the pyramids. Did you know the size of a pyramid is equal to 10 football fields. Before Egypt was separated to upper and lower Egypt. Some other things are fascinating about Egypt. Like the great Sphinx. This is a statue near the pyramid of Giza that has a body of a lion and a head of a human. The other thing that is fascinating is the pyramid of Giza. Now let us talk about mummies. When people are dead people take out at least 4 internal organs such as liver stomach lungs and intestines. That is so gruesome. But everything about Egypt is still interesting because we never see it everyday.

Romans 5:1-8

This verse says that God sent his only son to the earth to deliver us from our sins. But what if that person is naughty, if that person is naughty that is why Jesus died on the cross so that those naughty people will realize how much God loves us. The thing I learned in this verse is that if you know God you know unconditional love.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Psalms 148:1-6

This verse says that we should always praise God. Nothing can overpower him. From the smallest of the ants to the biggest of the sun. He is always our one and only God. The thing I learned in this verse is that praising, believing and loving God will lead you straight to the christian life and heaven.



The most fascinating thing about mercury is it's craters. Some say that there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter that exploded and the rocks from that planet fell on mercury and created the craters. Mercury is small, in fact it is the smallest planet because Pluto is known as a dwarf planet. Mercury is just the same size as our moon. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. So you are wondering, if Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it never gets cold there. Well actually it gets cold on Mercury when it is night time but its not the hottest planet, Venus is. Why? You ask. Because Venus' atmosphere is much thinner than Mercury. Isn't that amazing?

 Why is Mercury so cold at night even though it is right next to the sun?
 Mercury is cold at night even though it is right next to the sun because Mercury's atmosphere is thinner than ours. An atmosphere covers the planet and holds the heat inside it so it would be warm at night.

Why is Mercury's sky always look dark?
Mercury's sky always looks dark because the air of the atmosphere doesn't scatter the light waves from the sun.

This is the picture taken by MESSENGER. An unmanned spaceship that NASA  built to go close to Mercury.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This verse says that God is great. The people who honor him will be the people who God will treasure. He is great because he helps the poor, the animals, the plants, the trees and he also helps us. The thing I learned in this verse is that you should always honor, praise, love believe in God so that you can go up to heaven and sit next to him.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Psalms 147:1-5

This verse says that you should praise the Lord because he is the person who makes us happy and you should sing praise to him because he is the one that made the stars and the things that shine on us. The thing I learned in this verse is that you should glorify and praise God because at the end of the day even if you are hurt or brokenhearted God will heal you because you Glorified and praised him at the start of the day.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Isaiah 40:21-24

This verse says that God lives with us even though we can't see him. He sent angels to protect us and God also helps them by telling them what to do when they are protecting us. God makes the plants grow, lets the sun shine on us, makes the raindrops fall and creates day and night. The thing I learned in this verse is that the angels and God are beside us even though we cannot see and feel them, They are just like wind, we can't see it but we can feel the angel's love and protection for us.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Joshua 1:6-9

This verse says that you should always be brave and strong while obeying God's instructions. You should be brave so that you can protect yourself and other from danger. You should also be strong to defend yourself and others from evil. And you should definitely obey God's instructions to us because it will lead you to a better life. We should do these three so that we know how to fight evil and we can defend the word of God from other who don't believe in him.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Psalms 17:6-8

In this verse, a person said to us that God is our protector. God protects us from the devil, he protects us from commiting a sin and he protects us from doing bad things. When we need him, he answers us and helps us. He always watches us even though we don't see him. I feel very safe and sound when I feel that God is wih me.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The epic of Gilgamesh

The epic of Gilgamesh is related to the story of creation and the great flood. Believe it or not the Sumerians have libraries in their time. One of their oldest books is the epic of Gilgamesh. One part of the book is about  Gilgamesh, a legendary hero that sleeps under a tree and wakes up to a snake that has robbed his eternal life. he searches for it for his dead friend, Enkidu.That story is like the story of creation. Another part of the book is about Utnapishtim who was told to build a ship to fit his family and 2 of every kind of animal. It was covered with pitch both inside and out. When he was finished he loaded everyone into the ship and rained for 6 days and nights. He sent out 3 birds but the last bird didn't come back because it had found enough meat to live on. Now that sounded familiar. That story is just like the great flood. This book is passed on and on hundreds of years by mouth.

The Sumerians

They are a fascinating group of people who taught us how to craft Iron. Do you remember Tubal-Cain? When the great flood happened, iron making was never heard from again, but when the flood and the ice age passed the Sumerians continued the job that Tubal-Cain had. There are some fascinating things that the Sumerians have. One is the fertile crescent. This means land between the rivers. The 1st civilization was recorded when they appeared in 2224 B.C.  They also have their letters that is called cuneiform. Do you know who is Sir Leonard Woolley? He was the one who found the royal tombs in the city of Ur. He also found a ziggurat. It is a flat looking pyramid that has steps.

1 Kings 19:11-`13

God said to Elijah to stand on the mountains and stand before the Lord. Then a strong wind tore apart rocks on the mountain. But the Lord wasn't in the wind, then there was an earthquake, But the Lord wasn't in the earthquake, after that there was a fire but the Lord wasn't in the fire, finally there was a soft and quiet sound. The thing I learned in this verse is you should always follow God because if you follow him you will be on the right track.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The tower of Babel

The tower of Babel was created on 2224 B.C. The tower of babel represents the 5000 languages that we have. In Genesis 11:7 it said before we only have one language and that humans went to build their city and God came down to the humans to see them told them  to join him into mixing up their language so that they couldn't understand each other and because some of them don't believe in God. I learned that we should always believe in God no matter what language we are speaking.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Psalm 139:13-18

This verse says that even if we are not yet born from our mother's womb, God has already planned our future. Before we do our next action God knows that we are going to do it. He was the person who brought us here. He was the one who created our faces and named all our internal and external features. The thing I learned in this verse is that God knows what our future will be and we cannot change the plans that God has made.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

John 1:6-13

In this verse God sent John to tell the other people that the light was coming. The true light of all the people was coming. And at last the light came to the people but the people did not know he was there and didn't welcome him. But some people did welcome him and some didn't. The people who welcomed him became God's children and was born from God. The thing I have learned in this verse is you should always believe in God so that you can go to heaven and sit next to God.

Monday, August 12, 2013

1 John 1:1-5

This verse says that the Word of God was used to make everything that exists in this universe. The Word was with God when he created these things. Every person, every animal and everything that exists is made by the Word of God. The Word was the light for everyone. The Word overpowers the darkness and the darkness doesn't extinguish the light when it shines in the darkness.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Exodus 33:18-23

In this verse God says that he shows his presence. God said that he will be kind to whomever he wishes to be kind and he will be compassionate to whomever he wishes to be compassionate. When we pass, we will be buried and will go up to heaven where we will stand beside a rock and we will see God's back but not his face. I learned in this verse is even if we can't see God we can always talk to him wherever and wherever.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Exodus 33:12-17

In this verse when Moses and the other people left Egypt, Moses asked God for help and God said he will go with them and help them on their way to the land God told them to go to. The thing i learned from this verse is wherever you go God will always be with you. He will protect you, help you, and care for you even though you can't see him.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Exodus 33:7-11

When Moses wants to speak to God, he goes to the tent in the middle of their camp and there he can speak face to face to God. Whenever Moses goes to the tent the people surrounding the tent will stand in the entrance of their tents and watch Moses until he goes inside the tent. When Moses goes into the tent a column of cloud stands in front of the tent and whenever the people see it they bow to it and in this way Moses can speak to God. The things I have learned in this verse is just you don't have to build a tent to speak to God because you can speak to God whenever and wherever you are.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oral narrative: Facts about the sun

God is real.

God is real. Even if you don't see him doesn't mean he is not there. We can prove he is real because if he is not real everything on earth will not exist. Who would have made the universe? Who would have made the countries? Who would have made the clouds, the sky and land? Who would have made the trees and plants? Who would have made the raindrops fall? Who would have taught the lioness to feed their cubs? Who would have taught the birds to fly and build their nests? Who would have made the sandy beaches and the cool calm waves?And most of all who would have made the humans? The answer to all these questions is God. God made all of these things. From the biggest of the sun to the smallest of the ants. The person who made this is God. Now you can prove that God is real.