Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PAGASA headquarters field trip

My PAGASA field trip was a success. i went to the PAGASA headquarters with my dad and we first watched a short introduction video about the storms, hurricanes, floods, and the rain that has happened the past years. One thing I learned is that, if  there is lightning and you do not have a safe place to go besides your car, go in your car and avoid the trees that are around you, you will not be harmed by the lightning when you are inside your car. Why wouldn't you be harmed? Because the lightning is attracted to metal and when the lightning hits your car, the lightning will go around your car and going straight to the ground. But do not touch anything metal inside your car. After that, we went to a planetarium and saw the different constellations made by the stars. Some constellations are Sagittarius, lei, big ladle, small ladle and many more. After the stars we saw the planets in the planetarium from a projector. We saw all the planets and the names they have come from. When that was done, we went to a weather talk and talked about the different tools on how you can tell when a storm, flood and any other storms are coming. One thing I learned is how would you know when a storm is coming? One tool you could use is a wind gauge. The wind blows and it spins sending data to a computer if a storm is coming or not. If the wind is soft, it means that there is no storm. But if the wind is strong, that will signal the people there is a storm coming. And they send it to weather forecasters to tell the people that there is a storm. Finally, the tour guide asked us if we still want to go to the library. I said no because my feet hurts after all that walking. So, we just walked back to our car, had our merienda and went back home. It was a really fun day for me. 

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