Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A little bit about the earth's movements.

Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. It's the only planet that can support life. It rotates on it's axis. The earth has different movements and has different effects. Time varies in different places because of the earth's movements and also affect the climate of a place. So, if the movement of the earth affects the climate it also influences on how the people adapt to our environment.

The earth's rotation
The earth spins on an imaginary straight line. This line is called an axis. It takes about a single day to complete the rotation.The rotation of the earth has different effects like day and night. If on side of earth is facing the sun that side would have day and the other side will be night. Another is for example if the period of time in America is night then in the Philippines it will be day just as the opposite if Philippines is night then America would have been day.

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