Monday, January 20, 2014

How Silk Is Made

Silk is made from a silkworm. People use the silkworm's cocoons to turn it into silk and sew it into dresses which are expensive. They wait util the worm finally comes out of it's cocoon and they take the cocoon. They first take the cocoon and soak it in water until all of the cocoons are clean. After that they put all the the cocoons into a wheel that spins them into a circle until they are soft enough, When the cocoons are soft enough, they are stretched by a machine. After stretching and soaking the workers put them in the sun to dry. Then, they deliver them to the people who sew the silk together to make a dress. The people who sew, put some color to the clothes to make them colorful. The workers finally deliver the dresses that are sewn, to boutiques and shops in the mall so that people can buy it, wear it and strut through the streets wearing a very expensive clothing made from silkworms.

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